Friday, July 13, 2007

Marvels of Architecture Produce Digital Walls of Water

Spain will feature the innovative and intriguing design from MIT at Expo Zaragoza 2008. William J. Mitchell, head of MIT's Design Laboratory and former Dean of Architecture at MIT explains the technology:
Equipped with suitable sensors, Water Walls can detect the approach of people and, "like the Red Sea for Moses, open up to allow passage through at any point," said Mitchell. "This provocatively subverts the fundamental architectural conception of an opening as something, like a door, found at a fixed location."
The theme of the Expo is water. This architecture displays the fusion of water, art, technology in an astounding display of imagination. A video presentation from Wired is here.

From an Italian perspective, Chris Parades provides the poetic combination of water and architecture, naturally named Architecture Water. As always, when architecture and art are combined the books are beautiful while adorning many a coffee table, but they are meant to be treasured. And yes, they are pricey, very pricey. But if in Spain, go see the water walls live when it opens and report back here!

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