In Khartoum, Sudan it is interpreted as against the law to name (the teddy bear) that in specific. The teacher was in country for less than four months. If convicted, she faces 40 lashes ( a real whip that leaves scars is used, not wet noodles) a year in jail or face a fine of an indeterminable amount.
Not surprisingly the terrible way the adults handled this is jeopardizing foreign relations between Britain and Sudan. A small student, Mohammad, stepped forward to accept responsibility that the name was his idea. Embassies are being flooded with calls and some callers are not showing any restraint or British reserve in expressing their outrage. Sudanese diplomats have reaped a whirlwind that is just ramping up. Sudan already held in the lowest repute from many of the western world, has yet to live down its housing and quartering of the pre-9/11 wanted criminal Osama bin Laden before he fled to lead those other low level small thought police and fashion thugs of the Taliban in Pakistan. The Sudanese Ambassador to London was summoned by Britain's Foreign Secretary. Britain's Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is working all diplomatic channels to try and secure the 54 year old former Liverpool resident's release. Gibbons just finished her second night in the local prison.
Although there is no ban in the Koran on images of Allah or the Prophet Mohammed, likenesses are considered highly offensive by Muslims.
Gibbons had been working at the school -- popular with wealthy Sudanese and expatriates -- since August, after leaving her position as deputy head teacher at a primary school in Liverpool this summer, said Boulos.
He said Gibbons had asked the children to pick their favorite name for the new class mascot, which she was using to aid lessons about animals and their habitats.
Classmates took turns taking the teddy bear home with them, accompanied by a diary with the bear's name written in the front of it, said Boulos, who heads the private school, which has been shut down since the controversy came to light.
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