U.S. researchers announced results which show that humans react faster to faceswhich show signs of fear. Their study is to be published in the November 2007 issue of Emotion. At the other end of the spectrum was the happy face, which triggers a very weak response. The happy expressions were actually registered slower than even the neutral expressions.
"Fearful eyes are a particular shape, where you get more of the whites of the eye showing. That may be the sort of simple feature that the amygdala can pick up on, because it's only getting a fairly crude representation," said Dr. Zald.
Smiles may take a while, but a horrified expression is a sure-fire attention getter, U.S. researchers said on Sunday, based on a study of how fast people process facial expressions.Interesting is each person has a dominant eye, not a mythical third eye, that gets first call on individual reaction. An oustanding book that explores the emotional center of the brain, the amygdala, is the seminal best-selling work from Harvard's Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter more Than IQ.To find out which images get the brain's attention first, Zald, graduate student Eunice Yang and colleagues used a technique called visual flash suppression that slows down the brain's responses to facial expressions -- which typically register in less than 40 milliseconds.
The researchers had people look into a special viewer that allowed each eye to see different images at the same time. "If you present different images to the two eyes, usually you will only perceive one of them at a time," Zald explained.
The image that registers with the brain typically depends on which eye is dominant for that person. (photo courtesy Vanderbilt University)
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