Saturday, July 7, 2007

California's Lusty Mayors

If Lust were an Olympic event, the California mayoral contingent is going for the gold! The pre-Olympic Lust trials were notable as Governor Schwarzenegger confessed doing bad groping stuff, then California's Assembly Speaker confessed his affair of the loins. But lustful competition intensified between the amorous mayors of California's two largest cities with the biggest media markets. One mayor has gone to rehab and the other is claiming his girlfriend is not pregnant.

Executing the first triple backwards somersault was the entrant from Northern California, Gavin Newsom, Mayor of the City by the Bed, 00ps, Bay. And in a spectacular swan dive, the newest entrant from Southern California, Mayor of the City of Devils; bah! these typos, Angels, tied him and raised the stakes as his new paramour is a, I will go with - part time anchor. (Pardon the pun.) But au contraire says Newsom, he was married to the fair and balanced version of news first. This is the "Hizzonner" stuff of movie deals - advantage to Villaraigosa. Oliver Stone with his best tinfoil crown couldn't make this stuff up.

Pols and matters of the illicit heart bring begging publishers carrying great big checks, frantically pushing doorbells to help them write tell-all memoirs. The dueling memoirs resulting from a New Jersey gay love affair were preceded by the very worth reading memoirs of a president and a living history from the president-in-waiting that without a charming beret-wearing intern preening as the Devil In A Blue Dress; sorry Easy Rawlins, would not have captured the lurid imaginations of so many about politicians sex lives.

Now, if we just knew who the media was sleeping with it would, ...never mind...

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